Saturday, May 9, 2009

What did you do today?

Hi there to all my family and friends,

"What did you do today?" one of my school mates asked me during the Senior Shows at School today. Well, since I'm not a senior yet (although I may feel like a senior citizen), I got to watch everyone else go crazy with the stress of installing their thesis shows. And then I got a wonderful invitation yesterday, and today during the show, I played a very special old piano. This piano has been reworked so that every key triggers a corresponding light or lights inside of a beautiful blown glass form. These forms were suspended in a wave form around the stage and up light in purple, blue and red. For nearly an hour, I played in my improv style and watched my music literally dance in the air around me.

Right now, I can only send this one photo, but I am hoping to have a video of this performance later this coming week. As soon as I have it I will post it. The sound will be ambient and as I said it was a very old piano so, it seemed quite interested in creating its own unique sounds in spite of my best efforts.

I would like to encourage everyone to see the remarkable work of this talented, new artist who shared his wonderful creation with me today. Please visit

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and create something beautiful!


Posted via email from Jonathan's posterous

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