I am very interested in anthropomorphic creations: visual blendings of animal and human forms or human aspects. Throughout all of recorded history, these blendings have been taking place usually in the realm of the supernatural, but especially in religous art as in the case of the of the Archangel pictured here. In reality a pair of wings to support the weight of a human would need to be nearly 30' across (as in the case of a hang glider) However, the musculature to operate those wings would completely transform the body into something no longer recognizable as human. Compare the chest/breast size of a pigeon, for example, to the rest of its body if you have any doubts. In the more extreme, I'm fascinated by the work of H.R. Giger who blends mechanical and biological or organic forms into one image.
I am also fascinated by flight, wings, feathers and symbols which convey the concept of lighter than air movement and the freedom it represents. The Unity Church uses a "winged globe/disk as a symbol for divine spirit uplifting the whole world."
I came across a
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