Sunday, April 20, 2008

Proposed Sculptural Installation

As part of my bronze assignment, we were instructed to make a miniature of a monument that we would like to see installed in the Alfred area. Since coming to AU, I have come to realize that Harder Hall (the art building) is a place that has given me a true sense of artistic freedom. With wings being a symbol for freedom, I thought I would create a monument based on a stylized idea of flight.

The photo seen here is a Photoshop combination of the actual monument location (Harder Hall), the bronze (the actual piece used in the photograph is approx. 16" tall-the finished bronze would be 72" tall). The glass feathers will be cast glass, faceted and polished, with the longest feather being approximately four feet long.

My hope is this piece will inspire and motivate other students to give their imagination wings and being willing to explore their own potential during their time in Harder Hall.


Gustavo Galvan said...

For this piece the presentation in the galley was nice. The poster was kind of weired. the photoshop part was ammazing, but the poster with the purple and yellow orange was to much. I am not saying that the colors were to much but the sun thing on the text area was a little too much. also the text in my opinion, It was to fluffy for me. but enough about the poster thing, the piece it self was amazing. at first i dint get you idea about the wings but hte altered image really put it in perspective for me. other than that i can treally say any thing bad about the cast.

Billy said...

The first thing I did when viewing this piece was to read the information provided on the wall. It was very descriptive, and helped the piece a lot, but it was hard to read, and the colors were to much. for the bronze piece i really appreciated the patina you applied to the work at least i am pretty sure it was patina. the only problem i have with this piece is the location, and the style. i would really like to see it in another location, it was not very fitting for me to see it above the harder sign. the aesthetic aspect of this piece is very nice, but not very Alfred. to be honest it looks like Hawaii to me. those are my only to complaints on this piece, and i would really like to see it with the glass pieces installed. good work over all.

claire bresette said...

The first thing i noticed about this piece was the attention to the quality of the metal. It was well finished and the the detailing in the form came out very nicely. The piece was very strong and the photo used for the purposed installation was very well photoshopped.But i agree with Billy, the piece doesn't seem to fit the purposed space well. i think another location should be considered for a stronger and more appropriate appreciation of the piece. I feel as though the description of the rhyme and reason helped me find justification in its purposed spot but i was distracted by the colors and weird effects used for the paper,it was a bit too much and took away from my respect for the piece.